We have the foolish way of looking around for only what we find in ourselves. Often we don’t even know for sure why there is so much fear and affliction. We threw that dust under the rug and forgot to listen to the sweet song. It’s not easy, there’s no prescription and no magic solution like following just three steps and your life will be wonderful!
This we all want to be true, we feel. Not all pain is forever, but not all delight either. The neighbor’s garden is no longer green or one that seems to have everything one could want. Few speak of the pain they carry, often lack of friends, internal fights, lack of peace.
What seems is not always real and there are facts that are very difficult to deal with. It’s not just a bath or some number that will do the trick. So many criticisms, so many formulas, it seems that even to calm down, it becomes an obligation. The fact that you can’t have fun anymore, or maybe someone’s negative response, are reasons to maybe give up everything.
There is a saying about hope is the last that dies. But in these cases, so common today, it is the first. Human beings allowed themselves to do this, created work, created social obligations, and forgot how the mute environment grew and became that, mental illnesses arising as consequences.

Guilts we carry make us blind. We don’t want to feel, we take medicine, we don’t want to see the truth, and we stuff ourselves with good food, entertainment, expensive things, and it seems that as much as we know that old cliché, we still value so much useless stuff.
Me, you, they all collaborate in one way or another. Time passes, boredom comes, life then becomes short and shallow, and we dumb down in the face of stress and fear. Sadness goes, it comes back and so many afflictions at the cost of nothing. Without the patience to listen, without the patience not to judge, we take our poison of hypocrisy, or we sink into more despair. At the cost of nothing.
Every detail, every look, day after day, calm makes us see the evil turn to good. Be loyal to those who see happiness around because pain is never forever and the cost of nothing turns to dust. There will always be a new chance, or a new learning experience. So why charge so much?
And how many times have you hidden a talent or something you like to do. Whether it’s taking a dance class and being teased, sometimes you wanted to play “bellows” or even to make your own furniture, and thank you very well! Sings at karaoke but is ashamed to sing in a band.
Whether you still make that getaway riding a skateboard, even “already old”. And maybe you love writing verses but missed Portuguese class, or maybe you were better than your boss but your ideas ended up in a box. Perhaps you have a talent for studying unusual things like doing magic or spelling. But who are the people to judge anyway?
How many times, without mental training, have you tried and convicted innocent people. Appearances are deceiving, and even more so with gossip and prejudice from our minds. How many misunderstandings we have caused by the lack of dialogues, but with the precepts of “the correct” and “worthy”. If I could wear the shoes of whoever went wrong, I would see more clearly, or leave those moments of condemnation behind.
One or the other had actually done unlawful acts. But everything changes, so believe in rehabs and changes. We are not always the poor ones in relationships and running away from reality can cause more pain. Imperfect beings trying to judge imperfection. Until when? To what extent will this bivalence of our mind be?
There are as many views as stars in the sky…!